Fruits on Wheels

Push cart Redesign


The brief was to redesign a push cart for the road side vendors and street hawkers for selling fruits keeping in mind the climatic conditions, cost and ergonomic factors. 

The vendor either owns or rents a push cart and arranges the fruits every morning. The fruits are either stored in wooden crates or jute sacs        

The fruits are either covered in tarpai and ropes and left in the push cart or transported by the vendor everyday.

The design considerations were

  • Display cum storage of fruits.
  • Low cost materials.
  • Proper ventilation for fruits. 
  • Reduce the effort of transporting the fruits every day.

Three plastic crates are made into an unit which functions using the cantilever mechanism. The crates provide proper ventilation to the fruit, so they can be stored without getting spoilt.
It reduces effort of the vendors as the process of arranging the fruits every morning and packing at the end of the day is reduced.

The height is kept optimum for both the male and female customers.


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